We can consider Energetic Tantric massage as a portal for connection and delivery, your body is like a temple, experiencing energy and sensations never felt. The Energetic Tantric Massage is an experience of acceptance and self-confidence, which aims to redistribute sexual energies in a way that our body deserves. Sexual energy is the only energy in the world capable of generating another life, so when it is handled correctly and professionally, we achieve the alignment of spiritual and sexual energy in a single orgasmic and energetic field (body) where we human beings evolve, we will be able to deal with pain, fears, insecurities, frustrations and disconnections.
Unlike a traditional massage, we take you to an altered state of body awareness, in sensory tantric massage we use a very spiritual, affective and liberating approach. The intention of exercising the body’s senses is to promote and activate new synapses of pleasure between mind and body.